Frequently Asked Questions

Questions About Our Services

Click on a question below to reveal the answer:

Can I call if a family member/co-worker/friend of mine has cancer, but I don't?

Yes, anyone who is affected by cancer, directly or indirectly, is welcome to call us.

Is your service available to someone who lives outside of Delaware?

Yes, anyone affected by cancer can access our program. We predominantly serve Delaware and surrounding states, however, our years of experience make it possible for us to assist anyone, regardless of where they are located.

Is there a fee?

There is no charge for our Community-Based Oncology Social Work Service. Therapy sessions are provided virtually and at cancer-center partner locations. Fees may apply, predominantly covered by insurance.

Why would I call Cancer Care Connection?

Call us whenever you have a cancer-related question or concern. We help you to address the ripple effects of cancer - the emotions, stressors and everyday problems that arise when someone is affected by cancer. We do not provide medical advice or treatment.

Are calls confidential?

Yes, all calls are completely confidential.


Questions We Get from Callers

Click on a question below to reveal the answer:

I need financial assistance - do you have anything available to help me?

Although we do not provide direct funding, we help you find potential sources of assistance through various financial assistance programs.

My doctor just told me I have cancer and I don’t know what to do next.

It’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed when you’ve just heard you have cancer. We’ll help you map out next steps, and provide you with resources and guidance along the way.

I’m so stressed out and I have no one to talk to who understands how I feel. Can I talk to you?

We help you to manage your emotions, address your concerns and help you to strengthen your coping skills in a safe and confidential conversation.

Should I get a second opinion?

We can help you explore your options, which will assist you in making a more informed decision about a second opinion and your treatment.

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(302) 266-8050